Dear YA Enthusiasts,
I’m so thrilled to help bring to life a new journal focused on YA literature—my favorite category. My mission is to create and foster an inclusive space for writers and readers. As young people grow and evolve, so does YA, which makes it a category that’s innovative, fresh, exciting, and constantly pushing boundaries. YA writers open the minds and hearts of not only young people, but adults as well. As a YA writer and reader myself, I can’t wait to nerd out with all of you.
-Racquel Henry
P.S. I’ve received a lot of questions about what kind of short work we’re looking for. I know many writers probably groan when an editor says, “I know it when I see it!” While the YA category is my favorite, I read pretty widely–so that’s a tough question! Basically, I just want to fall in love with your characters, your worlds, your words.
If you are looking for inspiration you might try turning to some of my favorite YA anthologies like: Fresh Ink edited by Lamar Giles, Welcome Home edited by Eric Smith, Our Stories, Our Voices edited by Amy Reed; Three Sides of a Heart edited by Natalie C. Parker; Because You Love to Hate Me edited by Amerie; Meet Cute and Summer Days and Summer Nights/My True Love Gave to Me both edited by Stephanie Perkins.