Uncharted Magazine Novel Excerpt Prize Judged by Keshe Chow Shortlist - Uncharted

Uncharted Magazine Novel Excerpt Prize Judged by Keshe Chow Shortlist

By Uncharted

We’ve narrowed the shortlist down to fifteen great novel excerpts, which have been sent to judge Keshe Chow. We hope to announce our winners in four to five weeks!

  1. Hollow Whispers of the Wind, Chapter One
  2. Artifact
  3. Escape from Krow
  4. RIP: Chapter One
  5. Coyote Vicious
  6. Salt Water Blood
  7. Black Rose
  8. The Boy in the Half-Light
  9. Guinness, Bottled [excerpt from Kid Midnight]
  10. Familiar
  11. Godling
  12. Showering With God
  13. Irus Rain Springs a Trap
  14. The Guild of Lady Protectors
  15. Love and Hate at the Edge of Space