Interviews Archives - Uncharted

Quite Unusual: An Interview with Dave Goodman

David Goodman is a novelist and short story writer based in East Lothian, Scotland. His debut novel, A Reluctant Spy, will be released by Headline Books on September 12. I recently heard David speak about his work and was blown away by his surefooted approach to writing and his generosity in sharing craft insights. Huge […]

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Mysterious and Eerie, and a bit Haunting: An Interview with Cayce Osborne

Cayce Osborne’s debut mystery/thriller, I Know What You Did, has been called “A whip-smart and thoroughly engaging psychological thriller, with a highly memorable protagonist and a brilliantly original narrative concept.” I’ve had the pleasure of reading early drafts of several of Cayce’s manuscripts, and I’ve loved every one. Her writing is inviting and easy to […]

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Beyond the Bounds of Realism:An Interview with Tara Campbell

Tara Campbell is a writer, teacher, Kimbilio Fellow, fiction co-editor at Barrelhouse Magazine, and graduate of American University’s MFA. Her award-winning work includes multiple short story and hybrid collections. Her sixth book, City of Dancing Gargoyles, will be released by SFWP in the fall of 2024. The novel is set in the parched, post-apocalyptic Western […]

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Building Rhetorics of Joy: An Interview with Bethany Jacobs

by Kate Tooley The first time I met Bethany Jacobs was shortly after the release of her debut novel, These Burning Stars, in late 2023. We’d sat yelling distance from Union Square, freezing and eating tacos in one of the semi-enclosed outdoor dining areas that are now permanent relics of the pandemic. In the time […]

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The Math of our Life Decisions: An Interview with Corey Farrenkopf

Corey Farrenkopf’s writing often combines beautiful, sophisticated composition with downright spooky vibes. His new novel, Living in Cemeteries, has generated a lot of excitement in horror and literary circles. I’ve been a fan for a long time. Huge thanks to Corey for spending time with my questions! —Myna *** Cover Artist: Mikio Murakami Myna Chang: […]

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In Glorious Tones of Copper:An Interview with Samantha Mills

Samantha Mills is a wildly successful speculative author, with Nebula, Locus, and Sturgeon Awards to her credit. Her debut novel, The Wings Upon Her Back, is coming out in April through Tachyon Publications. The book has been described as a “tale of redemption, by turns relentlessly grim and courageously hopeful.” In a starred review, Booklist […]

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5 Questions for Kara H.L. Chen

Kara H.L. Chen grew up near Cleveland, Ohio, where she once had to shovel snow off her car with a plastic trashcan. She now lives on the West Coast with her husband and daughters, and is learning how to use an Instapot. She has undergraduate degrees in English and economics, a J.D., and an MFA […]

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5 Questions for Lauren Thoman

Born and raised in the suburbs of Philadelphia, PA, Lauren Thoman studied music education, though soon realized that the life of a band director was not for her. Her passion for pop culture and watching and analyzing movies and TV shows led her to become a frequent contributor to a number of prominent online pop […]

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The Power of Language: An interview with Author Ai Jiang

Ai Jiang is a Chinese-Canadian writer and an immigrant from Fujian. Her debut novella, Linghun, will be published this spring, as will her collection, Ai Jiang’s Smol Tales From Between Worlds. She also recently announced a new novelette, I Am Ai, coming in June. Her stories have appeared or are forthcoming in The Magazine of […]

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Unexpected Threads: An Interview with Dr. Phoenix Alexander

Dr. Phoenix Alexander is a speculative author, scholar, teacher, and curator. His work has appeared in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Escape Pod, The Dark, Deadlands, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Black Static, and Science Fiction Studies, among others. He is a full member of the Science Fiction Writers of America (SFWA), and served as […]

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The Theoretical Possibilities:An Interview With Kristen Loesch

Kristen Loesch’s newest book, The Regeneration of Stella Yin, will be released November 30, 2022, from Ad Hoc Fiction. This novella-in-flash tells the story of two women inextricably linked in a technological quest to overcome grief and trauma. Through precisely crafted prose, Loesch explores artificial super intelligence, the singularity, and the human drive for survival. […]

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