By Caitlin Taylor So
Did you reach your writing goals for 2024? If not, consider heading into 2025 with a new approach.
It’s always best to start the new year aiming high and adapting as the months roll on as you figure out what works well for you.
Maybe you want to submit to a specific number of writing contests and magazines. Maybe you’re hoping for a specific number of publications and bylines. All of this is great, but if you don’t have a solid foundation and discipline for writing, you’ll likely face more difficulty when working toward your goals.
So first, what does it take to develop a daily writing habit?
- Create a space for writing.
- Journal at the start of each day.
- Determine a target word count.
- Dedicate time each day to writing.
- Set a timer while writing.
If you want more structure, consider joining a writing community or workshop that can keep you accountable and focused. Look into writing retreats and residencies that will allow you to immerse yourself in a new place. There’s a plethora of options that will allow you to delve deeper into your craft beyond the traditional MFA program.
As people rediscover creative writing as a skill and strength (perhaps in spite of the meteoric rise and adoption of generative artificial intelligence), they’ll look to online writing courses and programs for the flexibility and curriculum they need to improve. Consider courses that offer more personalized feedback and are aware of the digital writing and editing tools you can use.
Whatever your writing goals may be for the new year, keep at it. It may take a whole year, often multiple, to polish a piece of writing you’re passionate about. This is normal and expected. Don’t let the work you have left intimidate you; let it be your guide for 2025 and the years to come.
Born and raised in Queens, Caitlin Taylor So is a Chinese-Vietnamese writer who is passionate about prioritizing and amplifying marginalized voices. She graduated from Emerson College with a degree in publishing and marketing. Her writing can be found on Business Insider, PopSugar, WebMD, The New Absurdist, and Her Campus Media.