Blog - Page 14 of 23 - Uncharted

An Unexpected Dragon in the Sky: An Interview with Maria Haskins

Maria Haskins is a Swedish-Canadian writer, translator, and reviewer of speculative fiction. She’s well known in the community for her tireless support of genre work, publishing a monthly roundup of speculative fiction for her newsletter, as well as a quarterly roundup for Strange Horizons. She consistently profiles the very best new stories, and her Behind […]

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5 Questions for Claire Legrand

Claire Legrand used to be a musician until she realized she couldn’t stop thinking about the stories in her head. Now she is the New York Times bestselling author of eleven published novels, with more on the way. Her first novel is The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls, one of the New York Public Library’s […]

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Announcing the Voyage Best Chapters Contest Results

It’s time for another contest announcement! We’re BEYOND excited to announce the winners of our Best Chapters Contest! It seems like making a decision each time gets harder and harder. There are so many talented writers and we are constantly in awe of you all! Please take a moment to pat yourself on the back […]

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Podcasts About Budgeting for the YA Writer

Have a long list of books you want to buy? How about a dream of visiting a retreat center to write for a few days? For people in a creative profession, especially writing, budgeting can mean the difference between getting to grab hold of opportunities and not. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of some great podcasts on budgeting and money, some even focused on creatives.

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Interview With YA Writer Laura Rueckert

Hi! I’m Laura Rueckert. I’m an American who moved to Germany for love, and I’ve now lived here longer than in the US! I’m passionate about LGBTQ+ rights, and I adore traveling, my family, and my fuzzy black rescue dog. Oh, and chocolate. So much chocolate.

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How to Handle Writing Anxiety

A few drafts in, we get so familiar with our YA manuscripts that the story begins to feel like an old friend. We know it backward and forwards, where each scene is and what happens in each scene. But we also smooth out the edges in our minds and it becomes harder and harder to look at our manuscripts with a critical eye. We get to a point where we go over all our pages only to discover we don’t know how to push them forward. To help out when that happens, we’ve compiled a few prompts to help you get fresh eyes on your story

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Interview With YA Writer Katherine Rothschild

Katherine Rothschild is a Lecturer in the Program for Writing and Rhetoric at Stanford University, a former ballet and Arabic dance instructor, and an obsessive Twitter food truck-follower. Her first-person essays have been published on KQED/NPR, in The San Francisco Chronicle, and in several other Bay Area and California publications, and her academic work is published by Purdue University Press.

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