We want to introduce our fabulous and experienced editorial letter editors so our submitters know who is available to provide them with positive, inspiring, and actionable feedback on their submissions when requested.
How It Works:
You may choose to receive editorial feedback on your piece. We will provide a two-page global letter discussing the strengths of the writing and the recommended focus for revision. We aim to make our comments actionable and encouraging. These letters are written by editors and staff readers of Uncharted Magazine. A significant portion of the editorial letter fees goes to our feedback editor. This service is available as an add-on to our regular, free submissions as well as our contests.
Our Editors:
Deirdre Danklin holds an MFA from Johns Hopkins University. Her novella, Catastrophe, won the Clay Reynolds Novella Prize and was a finalist for the Shirley Jackson Award. Her flash fiction chapbook, How to Start a Coven, is available from Variant Lit. She lives in Baltimore with her husband, son, and two cats.
Jessica Evans is a novelist and developmental editor with over ten years of professional experience in storytelling and book editing, specializing in witch lit, dark academia, contemporary fantasy, and fiction. She provides developmental editing services to 2nd Draft, Fractured Lit, and Uncharted Magazine. Evans holds an MFA in Fiction from Spalding University. Her work weaves themes of rituals, family dynamics, and cultural diversity, making her a three-time Pushcart nominee. Represented by Amy Collins of Talcott Notch Literary Services, Jessica’s global perspective—shaped by international travels and multilingual fluency—infuses everything she writes. Passionate about community service, Jessica is dedicated to the Veteran’s Writing Project, where she volunteers to use her editorial expertise to empower military-connected writers. She is a member of the Editorial Freelancers Association and the Women’s Fiction Writing Association. Check out her newsletter, learn more about her, or connect on social media.
Caroljean Gavin’s work has appeared in places such as 7×7, Milk Candy Review, Barrelhouse, New World Writing, Fractured Lit, and Best Small Fictions 2021. She’s the editor of What I Thought of Ain’t Funny, an anthology of short fiction based on the jokes of Mitch Hedberg published by Malarkey Books. She’s the author of the short creative nonfiction, Caught in the Throat (Alien Buddha Press) and a collection of short stories, Magical Objects forthcoming from ELJ. She has also read and edited for Pithead Chapel, Split/Lip Press, Best of the Net, and Clarion West’s Six Week Workshops. Her website is. caroljeangavinwordthings.com She’s still on Twitter @caroljeangavin
Danielle Stonehirsch holds a B.A. in English Literature with a focus on creative writing. Her fiction, poetry, and essays have appeared in many online journals and print magazines as well as in anthologies Reflections, This Is What America Looks Like, Roar: True Tales of Women Warriors, and Grace and Gravity: Grace in Love. She was Pushcart Prize nominee of 2021.