2024 Horror Challenge Winner and Shortlisted Writers - Uncharted

2024 Horror Challenge Winner and Shortlisted Writers

By Uncharted

And the winner is:

Chameleon by Mackenzie Hurlbert

Our shortlist:

  1. Just a Regular Man by Nikita Andester
  2. If It Ever Calls Your Name by Reneé Bibby
  3. The Usual by Bailey Day
  4. The Face of Reality by Sally Demarest
  5. Milk Slugs by Jaclyn Eccesso
  6. Chameleon by Mackenzie Hurlbert
  7. Zombie Apocalypse by Erik Johnson
  8. Billy Goat Silver by Oliver Nash
  9. Hidey-Hole by Christina Pamies
  10. FROST ON THE WINDOW by W. A. Polf
  11. Heretics by L.C. Ricardo
  12. Tap Tap Tap by MM Schreier
  13. Teeth by Madison Jones
  14. The Liar by Christine Wilcox
  15. The Mara by Alpheus Williams